The honorable Vice Chancellor, Deputy Controller of Examination of AYUSH courses and Deputy Controller of Examination of Physiotherapy course visited Venkateswara Homoeopathic Medical College, Chennai as part of the Review Meeting. They reached Sri Sairam Homoeopathy medical college and Research Centre Chennai at 11.00 am Pre- Meeting Discussion was done by Prof.Dr.K.Narayanasamy, MD, DM (Gastro), Vice-
Chancellor, The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai with Mr. R.Sathishkumar, Trustee, Sairam group of Institutions, with Principal and Teaching staff. Discussion was done regarding Hospital facilities- food and accommodation, LMIS, Smooth transmission of patients
from OP to IP to recovery, to develop the Centre of Excellence. There are dramatic responses especially in rural village areas for AYUSH, more roles even for death certificates. Even though success rate is high, more evidence based is needed. M.Sc Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry,
Pathology, Pharmacology are also needed in institutions for better application and collaboration of all faculties. Allopathy exposure necessary to understand spectrum of disease from history, examination to diagnosis/ University recognizing importance of AYUSH. Form Research forum,
core group should work on evidence based medicine.
After this discussion, the Academic Review meeting began with a Prayer song: Tamil Thai Vazhthu followed by Lighting of Lamp. Welcome address was delivered by Mr.R.Sathish Kumar, Trustee and Chief Business Officer, Sairam Group of Institutions Then there was Felicitation of the guests